today my mom is going away for a small holiday. she left around five, which woke me up and believe me that wasnt funny xD i dont like waking up early but okay this way i could say goodbye. i hope she has a lot of fun this weekend. i love her.
then my weekend. fridaynight i went to the birthdayparty from Ron who is the father of barry. and barrys mom is away this weekend with my mom xD and then saturday i did homework and in the evening i had another birthdayparty. which was a lot of fun. today im going to Charlotte together with Katinka again. we are gonna watch a movie, eat, talk, laugh you know the things you do with your girls :) ill make pictures. we are gonna watch the sisterhood of the travelingpants 2. because the last time we watched the first one. :)
hope everyone had a good weekend :D
kisses and hugs xxoo Iris